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Damage and class limitations[FIXED]

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Just wanted to make a formal suggestion which involves weapon damage and limitations….~

First off, why is sten damage nerfed? It already has it’s weaknesses compared to other SMG classes so it should be equal with the Mp40 and Thompson.

Next is max Rnade limit (is there one?), if you limit the team to having 1 panzer (which is a good idea) why is there no limitation for Rnades – they are arguably better than panzers with basically no downtime in terms of the charge bar and in the right hands Rnades are extremely destructive to the other team. Many noobs choose to go Rnade as well I can see the logic behind limiting panzers, but to not limit rnade as well is a little strange because they’re similar and both can be ‘one click kills’. Also why is there a limit on medics to a team? Something is wrong if you have more spam deaths than smg deaths.

Thanks for reading – im just curious.

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Re: Damage and class limitations

med’s are capped 2 6 per team i noticed … and rnade if u have flak is no problemo so meh.simply bounce an HS :)why is mort 1?

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Re: Damage and class limitations

Thanx for the questions Blusky, from memory, I’ll have to check and post again for ya.

Sten damage is still at default I think, rnades are maxed at 4 per team and meds capped at 6.
I will have a look some time today and see whats the go mate.

Cheerz Mick.

had a quick look:

Sten damage = 17
SMG damage = 25
Rnades = 4 per team
Medics = 7 per team

From memory again Medics were limited to stop everyone going medic and not choosing other classes, so what would your suggestions be?

Cheerz again Mick.

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Re: Damage and class limitations

smg and sten are they both default?

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Re: Damage and class limitations

had a quick look:

Sten damage = 17
SMG damage = 25
Rnades = 4 per team
Medics = 7 per team

From memory again Medics were limited to stop everyone going medic and not choosing other classes, so what would your suggestions be?

Good response, ty.

Sten damage should be equal to thompson/Mp40. How come it isnt? As I said it already has it’s weaknesses (overheat/cvop class being bad compared to medic + Fop)

4 Rnades seems fine, I thought it was heaps more… FEELS like heaps more especially when it’s a full server, seriously. (or maybe im just whinging cos overmars killed me about 10000 times last night with an rnade : < )

Not everyone wants to play medic, there's always going to be an engineer or two…I don't see a problem with unlimited meds most people revive and they aren't as destructive/"one click kill" compared to rnade/panzer – even an awful player can get kills as rnade/panzer but a bad player that is a med wouldn't be a 'med whore' he'd be backing his team up and rezzing usually – not getting many kills. That comment is pretty subjective though because the medic is the most overpowered class on OZ and players that can obtain 45+ accuracy consistently are definitely going to be much more powerful than any panzer/rnader.

Is unscoped garand/k43 damage default? It should be increased to be able to contend with Mp40/thomspon.

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Re: Damage and class limitations


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Re: Damage and class limitations

Totally agree with increasing the Garand damage.

(leave K43 though )

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Re: Damage and class limitations

Sten default = 14
SMG default = 18

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Re: Damage and class limitations

standard etpub server settings from are

set g_dmgKnife 10
set g_dmgSten 14
set g_dmgFG42 15
set g_dmgPistol 18
set g_dmgSMG 18
set g_dmgMG42 18
set g_dmgMG 20
set g_dmgFG42Scope 30
set g_dmgInfRifle 34
set g_dmgSniper 50
set g_dmgFlamer 5
set g_dmgGrenade 250
set g_dmgGrenadeRadius 250
set g_dmgGLauncher 250
set g_dmgGLauncherRadius 250

set g_dmgHeadShotMin 50
set g_dmgHeadShotRatio 2.0

previous OGN Server.cfg settings

set g_logOptions “256”
set g_dmgknife “24”
set g_dmgsten “14”
set g_dmgfg42 “15”
set g_dmgpistol “18”
set g_dmgsmg “18”
set g_dmgmg42 “18”
set g_dmgMG “20”
set g_dmgFG42Scope “30”
set g_dmgInfRifle “34”
set g_dmgSniper “50”
set g_dmgFlamer “5”
set g_dmggrenade “250”
set g_dmgGlauncher “230”

set g_dmgHeadShotRatio “2.0”
set g_dmgHeadShotMin “50”

Unsure I would trial setting no limits on how many medics its the bread and butter class of et

set team_maxMedics -1

dam u guys are quick I bumped about 4 people


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Re: Damage and class limitations

Stop playing around with the values and leave it on default.

@blusky – the stens compensated with the faster fire rate and accuracy already, if the dmg is the same as mp40/thompson by default then by all means revert it back.

Your an inbecile full stop.

noobItUp <> sorry I started playing with butz again

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Re: Damage and class limitations

hawk has already looked at and changed while i was camping bots this morning rofl


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Re: Damage and class limitations

Wow I always thought sten damage was the same as the other SMG (default)

half your skill is in your config

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Re: Damage and class limitations

hawk has already looked at and changed while i was camping bots this morning rofl

and this is funny because?


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Re: Damage and class limitations

Aha. Now that would explain why Base 12 is not working as well as it could. SMG damage of 25 vs 18.

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Re: Damage and class limitations

sten damage should be higher… like way higher

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